Friday, December 5, 2014

Husband,Say No To Veggies

Husband,Say No To Veggies

Future fathers take note: A new study shows that refraining from beef might harm male fertility, so fire up the grill and get a steak on the go.

Researchers at Loma Linda University Medical School in southern California found that vegetarians had on average 50 million sperm per millilitre, while omnivores packed a more sizeable 70 million.
The study also noted that vegetarians' sperm are less active, as well. The researchers proposed vitamin deficiencies were the reason behind their findings. The most voracious consumers of vegetables had sperm that was 70% lower in quality and 68% lower in activity (or "motility," to be scientific).
Speaking to the Telegraph, Dr Eliza Orzylowska said, ‘we found that diet does significantly affect sperm quality. Vegetarian and vegan diets were associated with much lower sperm counts than omnivorous diets.’

‘Although these people are not infertile, it is likely to play a factor in conception,’ she added.

One theory behind the results is the introduction of soy to meat-free diets. The bean contains phytooestrogens, which have been shown to diminish sperm’s quality.

Researchers wanted to see if sperm quality explained why their life expectancy exceeds the average American by 10 years.In fact, it appears to have nothing to do with it. So there you go: Eat veggie, have fewer kids, live longer. I’m sure that appeals to a lot of folks

So in conclusion it turns out eating meat may be the best diet for men trying to have children.

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